Hiring Advice Engaging your workforce 5 Steps to Avoid Job Interview Scam
5 Steps to Avoid Job Interview Scam

5 Steps to Avoid Job Interview Scam

Internet scams are constantly evolving and increasing significantly. This includes phising, lottery prize fraud, business fraud, travel fraud, and many other. Scams targeting at job seekers is one of the scams that have been happening and seems to increasing these days. Not only causing job seekers to lost millions of rupiah, it also affects company's reputation especially in the eyes of potential candidates. How does this affect company's reputation?

Related article: 5 Signs of Fake Job Interview Invitation Letter

How the scammers work

As what happens with email scams, phising or any other internet scams, most starts from the leaking of personal data, username & password/pin. Here is how scammers commit their crime:

  • Ask for username and password of users of the company 

First thing they do is to call company and pretend to be Jobstreet employee. With reasons like maintenance and other viable reasons, they will ask username and password. Another way is they will ask the HR or user to change the password they provid such as Jobstreet123. So at the same time, they gain access to the user's account with that password.

  • Access applicants data 

After getting the username and password, scammer will access applicants data for the jobs that has just been posted. The name and email of candidates will be used to send the fake interview invitation.

  • Create fake interview invitation letter

Scammer will create the fake interview inviataion by adding company's logo and name on the letterhead. The invitation letter is usually 7 pages long, mentioning the date, time and interview venue that usually located outside of applicant's domicile. Contact details is provided to reserve ticket, hotel, transport, admin fee, food, and other fees. These fees are said to be reimbursed by the company after the interview. See the signs of fake interview invitation letter here.

  • Send out fake interview invitation to candidates 

The letter will then be sent to applicants through email. Candidates that are not aware of this scam will transfer money for ticket, hotel and the other fees. Scammer will then disappear after receiving the money and their number won't be able to be contacted afterwards.

It caused candidates to think that companies are the one that do the scam and will affect company's reputation. Then how can your company avoid this?

5 Steps to Avoid Scams that are Using Company's Name 

1. Never give your username and password to anyone 

As what banks always tell you, never give your ATM pin to anyone. Jobstreet is consistently communicating and educating users in companies to never give username and password even though the caller claims to be from Jobstreet. This is done through email blast, scam alert when users sign in to their account, even scam alert on signature of Jobstreet's employees.

2. Give information or disclaimer to candidates 

Insert a warning or scam alert in your job ads as well as all your communication to candidates that your company never ask for any fees such as plane ticket & hotel during the recruitment process.

3. Send out consistent reminder to your team and users 

Some of company's users gave away the username and password often time are new employees that are not aware of the scam. Communicate this consistently to new employees or the replacement of your resigned employees.

4. Deactivate accounts of your employees who have resigned 

When there is employee or user that has resigned, quickly deactivate the account or contact Jobstreet customer care if you need help.

5. Always use "Invite" feature in Recruitment Centre

"Invite" button in SiVA Recruitment Centre allows the interview invitation that received by candidates to be more trusted, showing Jobstreet as the sender. Candidates will also receive official notification and reminder from Jobstreet through email and SMS.

Jobstreet as candidates' career partner and employers' talent partner, always seek to protect and increase your & candidates' security and privacy. Education about the scam has also been consistently communicated through email and social media. However, scammers keep trying to modify their technique and targeting more job seekers. Help from companies to help the socialization of the scam is expected to avoid the scam.

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