Job ads
Find the right talent with the right job ad
No matter what role you’re trying to fill we will help you to attract and engage with relevant talent.
30 days listing on SEEK
Lower visibility to candidates
30 days listing
Good visibility to candidates
Get candidates fast
Credit to access our talent database
Access to analytics and reporting
Include your company logo
Email to relevant candidates
30 days listing
Better visibility to candidates
Get candidates fast
Credit to access our talent database
Access to analytics and reporting
Include your company logo
Emailed to relevant candidates
Better performance in search results
Sent in more candidate recommendations
30 days listing
Great visibility to candidates
Get candidates faster
Credit to access our talent database
Access to analytics and reporting
Include your company logo
Add company images to promote your brand
Include 3 key selling points to attract candidates
Email to relevant candidates
Priority listing in search
Priority in candidate recommendations
Premium Plus
Find great candidates fast with priority listing
Everything in Premium, plus...
Dedicated talent consultant
Personalised ad writing
Engage only with relevant candidates
Post your job ad on Indonesia’s most visited employment site
3 out of 5 candidates used Jobstreet to find a job online*
1 out of 4 candidates found their job on Jobstreet*
1 out of 4 candidates would visit Jobstreet first to find their next job*
*All data refers to users in the last 12 month period
Get more value with every Job Ad
Manage candidates efficiently
Enjoy access to our candidate management tools when you post jobs ads with us.
Shortlist candidate faster and more easily with AI automated application sorting, fast filtering and skills matching.
Enjoy flexibility and control with Ad Budget
More hiring ahead? Prepaid Ad Budget helps you stay flexible and in control, with choices of different ad types suitable for your different hiring needs.
With Ad Budget, you enjoyed lasting discounts throughout your contract period.
Boost your hiring with instant Candidate Matches
We automatically match relevant candidates with the rights skills and experience to your active job ads, helping you find the right fit faster.
Enjoy up to 100 AI-matched candidate profiles with each job ad you post, extending your reach beyond current applicants.