5 Signs of Fake Interview Invitation Letter
Fake interview letter scams have been increasing significantly and have caused job seekers to lose millions of rupiah. Using a fake interview invitation letter pretending to be a real company, scammers ask job seeker to transfer money for ticket, hotel and other fees. Promising that the fee will be reimbursed after the interview, they disappear after the money has been transferred. Related article: 5 Steps to Avoid Fake Job Interview Scam Here are signs and sample of fake job interview invitation letter:
Interview invitation doesn't mention the position at all
Fake interview invitation letter that is usually 7 pages long does not mention the position that candidates apply for. The detail requirement is also not relevant and not necessary to be mentioned such as stationary, tidy outfit, etc. Company stamp on signature is a digital logo instead of official company's stamp.
Mentioning all invited candidates
Interview invitation is normally very personal, instead, this invitation mentions all invited candidates. In addition, they also require candidates to reserve ticket, accommodation, etc to recruitment committee. Other method they use is ticket & accommodation through fake travel agent.
All other fees such as transportation, food and other fees must be paid by candidates first
By promising candidates that all fees will be reimbursed, candidates are required to paid all the fees in advance.
Information given is not relevant at all
The selection process mentioned in the letter is not relevant with the development method at all. The qualification mentioned is also very general, does not make sense. Moreover, salary offered does not fit the qualification.
Many unnecessary parts, unusual, and no need to be mentioned in a job interview letter
Q&A section is very unusual, too general and even unnecessary to be explained. Sentences seem unprofessional, too complicated and lots of typo found.
After aggressively committing their crime in Jakarta, they are now targeting job seeker outside Jakarta who are still not aware of the scam. Jobstreet has done consistent communication both to candidates and employers through email, social media, scam alert in login page & dashboard of SiVA Recruitment Centre. Help from employers to communicate this scam is expected to decrease this job interview scam victims. Related article: 5 tips on how you can avoid job interview scam that use your company's name.