Frequently asked questions

Market Insights Talent Attraction Lab Frequently asked questions

Talent Attraction Lab

Uncover the drivers that attract candidates to a role.

Frequently asked questions

You'll see two different kinds of percentages when you use talent attraction lab.

Driver view

The first percentage, shown next to the blue bar representing each driver of attraction, is an importance score. All drivers could be 'important' but this relative score helps you understand how to prioritise the key drivers to focus on in job ads or conversations. This percentage figure represents the relative importance of that driver compared to other drivers – it doesn't reflect a percentage of people. Think of it as the time or effort you want to spend communicating parts of the role or company to a candidate. For example, if you see an importance score of 20% for the Salary & Compensation driver, and you had 100 words to communicate with candidates, then it's worth making sure at least 20 of those words are used to describe what you can offer in terms of salary and compensation.

Driver view

Within each driver, we asked people the components of it that matter to them, to help you understand exactly what they’re looking for. For example, Work-life balance will mean different things to different people. By expanding this driver, you can see that its components include Additional leave, Flexible working hours and Option to work from home/remotely.

These components are shown on a scale with a breakdown of candidate preferences.

The individual percentages you see represent how candidates in your search have ranked each driver according to four levels of importance:

  • Must-have: Essentials that candidates expect a job to have.

  • Delighted-if: Extras that differentiate you from other companies.

  • Not-bothered: Factors that don‘t really matter to candidates.

  • Put-off: Dealbreakers that candidates don‘t want in a role.

For example, 50% of Engineering candidates say Option to work from home/remotely is a must-have component of the Work-life balance driver. 

Candidates have the option to select multiple components of a driver as a must-have. It reflects the way people approach job-hunting; they might have more than one must-have or be put off by multiple factors.

The Talent Attraction Lab reveals what motivates candidates across various industries and demographics. By understanding these key "drivers of attraction," you can leverage these insights to attract, grow, and retain your talent. 

With these insights, you can create more compelling job ads and enhance your company profile with a strong Employee Value Proposition.  

When it comes to career development, a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work, especially for junior and senior employees. By uncovering what matters most to each group, you can tailor development opportunities that align with their specific needs. 

For retention, it's crucial to understand what keeps employees engaged. Work-life balance is a key motivator for talent in high-turnover roles. For example, by offering flexible work options, additional leave, and competitive overtime compensation, you can effectively address employee needs and foster a more loyal workforce.

You can use the drop-down menus on the left to choose filters that you want to use to focus in on different drivers of attraction and compare results across different groups of candidates. For example, you could explore the drivers of attraction for candidates first by industry – say, Construction. You could then filter the data by generation, and select both Gen X and Gen Z. This would allow you to compare the drivers of attraction for candidates of these two different age groups in the construction industry. 

To ensure the data is valid, we show only data that has a large enough sample size to be statistically significant. Talent Attraction Lab is an ongoing survey and we'll be refreshing data annually, so if you can't see the results you're looking for, check back in again and we may have the data you need. 

You can start by focusing on the top three drivers of attraction. This will give you the first indication of what candidates care about most, based on the search filters you've used. 

For a deeper view, you can expand each driver to see the components it's made up of. For example, if you want to understand what Work-life balance really means to candidates, you can expand to see it includes components such as Option to work from home/remotelyAdditional leave, and Flexible working hours. Refer to the questions above on how to interpret and make use of this data.  

Watch this video to learn more.

Talent Attraction Lab is a SEEK research study drawn from a comprehensive survey of more than 1,867 job candidates in Indonesia. Talent Attraction Lab is considered 'robust' data, such that if we did the research again, we can be confident that we will get similar results.